Ignition & Sepasoft Batch

ECS Solutions is a certified integrator of The Batch Procedure Module. The module adds batch processing, continuous processing, and general procedure control, based on the ISA-88 Standard, to the Ignition® Platform. Recipe management is simplified by combining sequence control with parameter values in an intuitive graphical user interface. Real-time data collection of batch details provides analysis and electronic batch records.
Some features of the Batch Procedure Module include Graphical Recipe Editor, Separation of Recipes and Equipment Control, Golden Batch Comparison, Real-Time Batch Status Visibility, Electronic Batch Records, and much more…This module provides production staff with the tools needed to produce quality batches efficiently and consistently. With real-time monitoring tools and live visual feedback, quality issues can be identified before it’s too late.

Additional elements of the Batch Process Module include Batch Procedure Use Cases, Built-In User Defined Type (UDT) Interface, Dynamic Dashboards, No-Nonsense Licensing, Best-In-Class HMI, Site Or Machine License, Multiple Transfer Methods, Electronic Batch Records, Easy Ad-Hoc Analysis.
Also, the user can expect: User-Defined Batch Parameters, Reusable Templates, Multiple Site Production Data Sync, Document Management, IIoT/MQTT Functionality, Custom Parameter Calculations, Simplified Validation Process, SCADA/HMI Integration, Synchronization To ERP Systems.