
Recipe version control and released to production functionality
You may already have it — Recipe Life Cycle Management— and don’t know it. Recipe procedures encapsulate the best practices in performing your processing tasks, but are you sure that what is being produced is what everyone agreed to produce?
- Who edited it?
- Where is the correct version?
- Who approved the recipe to be released?
In practice, recipe version control and released to production functionality in plants range from great to sometimes not at all. This can also be true for people using Factory Talk Batch.
This does not have to be the case since the FTBatch product functionality provides the ability to manage the recipes throughout their life cycle, in fact, there is very valuable, underexposed, functionality that is integral to the product. For instance, you can:
- Manage who can create, modify, release to production, check-in and check out a recipe
- Keep track of recipe versions and their parental genealogy
- Allow multiple versions of a recipe to coexist for recipe development or the introduction of material usage and procedures
For compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), releasing or removing a master recipe to/from production may require the consensus of multiple stakeholders, easily manage your recipe release workflow process by providing a clear process workflow definition and visibility for each recipe, enforce signoffs prior to releasing the recipe as a “step” or to production, different signature templates are created and a clear workflow is configured, each recipe will log its signoffs.
Version control simplifies managing and tracking recipes, it allows recipe authors to save and retrieve versions of a recipe. Once a recipe is checked in it can’t be altered, it can be checked out as a “work in progress” (WIP), modified and tested, and checked in as a new version once appropriate.
As recipe procedures evolve, keep track of the genealogy of your procedural files, recall how a product was manufactured, carry out experimental procedures and get back to an earlier version if required.
Control the Quality of your procedures by Managing recipes throughout their life cycle, while preventing unauthorized users from creating, changing and running your procedures.
After more than three decades of developing batch process control systems using a total process automation approach, ECS Solutions has had the experience and expertise it takes to build powerful, high-performing plants that produce high-quality yields. Contact us today and let’s chat about your Batch Manufacturing Improvement Needs!
Posted In: Bakery Industry, Batch Boosters, Beverage Industry, Chemical Industry, Distilleries, Food Industry, Life Science Industry, White Papers